Personal statement
course that I wish to pursue further is Animation. I foresee animation as a
world of endless possibilities, where I can create anything I want without
having to limit myself to reality. Animation is fascinating to me; I want to
learn more about what the process is to make an animation. What I want to get
out of this course is to be able to draw 2D animations and learn how to create
3D characters and landscapes that can be developed into animations.
am currently studying Level 3 Media Diploma. So far I have studied the general
areas of the Media industry and out of all of the areas that I have covered I
have enjoyed the animation units most.
This is due to the amount of drawing that had to be done as I really
like to draw and sketch. Other units, which I enjoyed a lot, were short film
and audio, because it got me working in a small group of people and it allowed
me to develop my team working skills and my communication skills. This
stimulated my interest in making films whether it is an animation or not. The
audio units I felt were eye opening because I didn’t realise how much work goes
into making all of the background noises that can be heard in films or TV shows
and how it influences the scenes; It changed my perspective on how sound is
created. Before I thought that the
sounds that are heard in the film were recorded on site whilst filming and it
was surprising at first, but understandable once I did more in-depth research, what
methods area used and how they are integrated.
skill that I have improved and developed over the past 2 years in and out of
college is drawing. Drawing to me, I find it gives me something to do when I am
not doing anything and also gives me ideas for stories and use those drawings
as a baseline for that story. I have also developed my communication and
interpersonal skills a lot. I was quiet and shy when I started at Long Road
making it difficult for me to get my point across to other people. The teaching
staff at college have enabled me to gain confidence and a belief in myself that
I can achieve something I enjoy.
interests are watching films, drawing absolutely anything and watching YouTube.
They are both interesting because they give me many different ideas for stories
that I could create. Not only do I come up with ideas when I am watching videos,
I am also looking for any mistakes that have been made in those videos so that
I can take that into account when I am creating work. I like looking at the types
of background ambiance that is used in the films and the wide angle shots that
show entire streets or rolling hills that go on into the horizon. Another part
of watching animations that I like particularly on YouTube is the different
animation styles from different YouTubers. I like how different they can be,
which shows me that no one is the same everyone has their own style and they
are not judged for it.
sport that I enjoy doing the most is cycling. Over the years I have attended a
few cycling events across the country, starting off with small mile events and
building up to longer more enduring cycling events such as the London to
Cambridge bike ride.
am working part time as a waiter at Girton College, Cambridge. I work at
multiple different events such as weddings, anniversaries, and college dinners.
When working I am talking with the guests, boosting my communications skills and
confidence. I work well with everyone
else; teamwork is key at work, most times we are paired together to clear big
tables that are too big for one person to clear.
feel that my imagination, good communication and being capable of working on my
own or in a team will let me contribute a lot to the course. My drawing skills
and basic understanding of the animation industry, having done a media course
will help me get a good start on the course. I feel my determination and
attention to detail will help me to finish the tasks given to me on time and at
a high quality standard.
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