Wednesday, 14 October 2015

P3: S.W.O.T analysis


-The strengths that I have for this line (I am aspiring to be a director) of work is I have strong directional skills so that the work can be done quickly and efficiently, whilst keep the quality of the work at a high. 

-I am a fast learner, so if there is something new that I don't understand I will either take a quick online course about it or I will ask the people how it work and learn from it.

-Probably the strongest of strengths I have is, I am a confidant and honest person when I am talking to another people. 

-The weaknesses that I have are, I some times struggle to recognise mistakes in my work, particularly any written document by me I tend to make small mistakes like miss spelled a word or a sentence that ever doesn't make senses or there is a word or two missing due to thinking faster than I type. 

-Another weakness that I have is I tend to take longer than I should on my work because I like my work to be perfect, anything less than perfect and I will not give the finally product until it is perfect. 

There are plenty of opportunities to get work experience, even if I am not being payed for it they are places out there that will give me a opportunity for work. Big film companies are looking for runners to go and work on there film sets. From there I can work my way up through the chain of job roles to eventually become a director. Other opportunities to work as a director, is to director short films with my friends or even ask a friend to write a short script up and I would go and create it on my own if I have to. 

Big threats to me and this career is the amount of experience I have actually in the work place is very little, meaning I would most likely get turned away by a lot of companies due to the lake of experience I have in the work space. Other threats would be other young people competing for the same job role meaning if you don't fight for the job you wont stand much a chance of getting it.

Monday, 5 October 2015

P2: Evaluating own qualities

The qualities that I am good at veery from computers to pen and paper.

The qualities I am good at:

- Drawing

- The Adobe suits (Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator)

- I have a creative mind

- I have good directional skills

- I am good at meeting deadlines, being able to follow instructions and time management

- I am a fast learner